Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What a Flight!

       So today I flew in N89464 and had to practice judgement. Took off with storms coming up our back door and when we got into the clear we were going to practice but the engine sputtered and shook violently and we decided to turn around and try to get back to Freeway. The weather wasn't as bad as forecast and as shown on radar so the only real reason to not practice landings and go-arounds was the engine. We flew in light chop and rain at about 1400MSL and landed without incident. The landing was typical of crosswinds;the wind kept trying to make us look bad by blowing us every which way possible. In flight I did very well with the controls and rudder and was smooth on the yoke. I was calm the entire time as well because I kind of wanted to see a real emergency landing in a field. There were plenty of choices for landing including two near by airstrips. Had a fun flight and I will be flying again on June 5th at 8 am!

For now, keep the white side up!

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