Friday, May 20, 2011

Midday Update

GREAT day so far. Woke up early this morning to go get donuts thanks to Tiffany! She reminded me of their chocolatey goodness and when I got there at 7am they were out of double chocolate AND chocolate glazed (They actually only had jelly filled and bagels). So I bus fanned around Baltimore Ave. and walked from near IKEA down to UMCP and got some videos there. Got back on the bus and went to greenbelt. While on the bus this girl asked what I was taking a picture of ( I was filming the ride of course). So I told her what I was doing and she asked why, to which I replied with, "I don't know, I just love the sound of them and the way they drive and lean." She responded by saying, " Oh that's cool. It's like how people like fast cars and stuff then right?" I was sooooooo happy somebody else thought that and didn't think it is weird! So I told her "Yes but everybody thinks it's weird because it's 'just' a bus." She and I talked about random crap and we were going down paint branch and almost at College Park Metro when she said "Do you have a phone? Want my number,you can text me?" I said "UHHHHHhhhhhh OH yes I have a phone!" Got my phone out and took the number down :D Guess I dressed correctly! Wore my black jeans, black dockers, had a Black thin stripe (vertical) button down shirt, black and silver Polo watch, and a nice necklace on XD

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